Saturday, October 1, 2016

Rock 'n Roll 'n Geritol

"All rock-and-rollers over the age of 50 look stupid and should retire."

Said 76-year-old Grace Slick, now playing out her years as an artist. (She paints a lot of white rabbits.)

I was inspired to do the google on Grace after a conversation at work about concerts by aging rock stars. Someone went to see Tears for Fears, a group from the 80's with a few top hits. I admit, I was a fan back in the day. A discussion ensued about who would go see them. It turns out, a combination of fans aged anywhere from 20 to 70. Someone interviewed a younger fan, who commented they knew about the group because their mom was a fan and it became the music of their formative years. 

I suppose if you've still got it, it's cool to get up on the stage and wail away. Sir Paul comes to mind. If Elvis were around, I imagine he'd still be kicking it. But, and yes, I know this would be considered sacrilege in certain circles, there are some rock stars who should probably hang up their spangles and fringe and give it a rest.

A lot of former rockers simply don't have the voice for it anymore. It's painful to hear legends like Roger Daltry and Robert Plant strain to hit the right notes. For some, it's enough to be in the same room with their favorite now-golden-oldie. As a charter member of the baby boomer generation, I am conflicted. These were groups whose music I've grooved to all my life. On the other hand, do I really want to shell out over a hundred clams to watch a group of old guys trying to pull it together after 40 or 50 years in the biz? Maybe it's just better to dust off their records and appreciate the talent that got them there. 

Does Grace Slick miss her days as a hell-raising rock and roller? It doesn't sound like it. She's a recovering alcoholic (clean and sober since the 90's). Her only regrets, she said, are that she never rode a horse. Or screwed Jimi Hendrix.

What a ride that would have been.

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