Saturday, March 11, 2017

Three Amigas

Some things are just meant to be.

As we lined up in a queue at the zoo, my two sisters and I looked up at the board to see what the cost would be.

"I get a senior discount!" exclaimed Denise, whose birthday it was, and who had just reached the minimum threshold for the savings.

When you get older, you learn to savor these little triumphs. A couple of bucks is as good a reason as any to celebrate.

For the first time in a long time, we three spent the day together. The cold and blustery weather kept the crowds away and the animals inside, but we plodded along gamely. Singing Mitch Miller tunes at the top of our lungs. Waving to the zoo bus. Skipping (Denise).

There's something about hanging out with your siblings, who have known you since forever, and whom you just can't bullshit. They know your foibles, and they still (hopefully) love you, anyhow.

After toodling through the Rain Forest, the brisk outdoor air actually felt pretty good. We headed off to dinner at a place called Momocho, featuring modern Mexican cuisine. It was self-described as "innovative, hip and exciting." We went because my kid recommended it.

And it was good. Very good. And lots of fun.

At the end of the evening, we headed back to my house, Denise and Diane in the front seats, I in the back. (But I had a window seat - if you don't have siblings, you won't understand this reference. And no, I didn't get car sick, you're welcome, Denise).

I was contented but a little sad, too, wishing we'd had more of these days over the years.

I hear someone else has a birthday coming up in a few months...hint, hint!

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