Saturday, March 2, 2019

Meatless in the W.P.

Lent begins next Wednesday.

Back in the day when I was a practicing (but never perfected) Catholic, I would have been scrambling to decide what I wanted to give up. It was usually candy or soda or snacks.

When my son was little and we tried to explain the concept to him, he decided he was going to give up killing people for Lent, a reference to the soldier guys he played with.

Further explanation was required, and he amended his choice to giving up something that was an actual sacrifice on his part.

These days, I am no longer a participant in the Lenten traditions, but Mr. Ginley still refrains from eating meat on Ash Wednesday and Lenten Fridays. This admittedly puts a cramp in our Friday date nights, since he dislikes fish and seafood (except for tuna -- the salad, not the unprocessed fish). He will eat battered and fried fish, a la Arther Treacher's. Alas, there is only one left in this Berg, and it's not nearby. Which is decidedly good news for his arteries, but presents a challenge for yours truly.

What do you serve a meat eater during Lent?

Macaroni and cheese. Waffles or pancakes or french toast. Tuna noodle casserole. Cheese ravioli (no meat sauce). Salads (aka "Bunny Chow.") Peanut butter and jelly. Toasted cheese sandwiches.

All lively choices, indeed. All met with a resounding "meh."

Yes, Mr. Ginley, paczkis are meatless, but no, we're not having them for dinner.

Wake me up when Easter arrives!

P.S. For the the benefit of non-locals, "W.P." stands for "West Park," the original name of our neighborhood before it was gobbled up by the city, but which we natives still call it.

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