Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Healthy Attitude

People always say, "At least you have your health."

And we always take it for granted. Until we get sick. Then we swear we'll never take it for granted again -- much the same way someone who has one drink too many swears they will never imbibe again. Ya, right.

Mr. and I started this cycle last week. First, he was sick, then I. Our symptoms didn't match exactly, but I'm pretty sure we shared the same jimmy germs.

He threw up. I didn't. I got laryngitis. He didn't.

But we both had plugged up heads. I can't talk, neither of us can hear very well. Comedy ensues.

Mr. Ginley purports "some" might look upon my inability to speak as a bonus. By "some" he claims it's the cat. (We all know who "some" is.)

Meanwhile, our conversations run something like this:

Mr. Ginley: Did you get my phone out of my pants?

Me: Honey, I'm just not up to that right now.

Mr. Ginley: What?

Me: I'm not feeling very frisky.

Mr. Ginley: What's that got to do with getting my phone out of my pants?

Me: Oh, I thought you said...

Well, you get the idea.

Yesterday, we had to venture out to do a couple of errands. I just wasn't up to cooking, so we stopped at Subway for dinner.

I tried to order.

"She can't hear you. Speak up." Commanded Mr. Ginley.

"This is as loud as it gets," I replied.

And so it was, Mr. Ginley had to relay my order as I croaked it at him.

This will all go away soon, and we'll no doubt return to our full volume lives.

I feel confident and blessed this will be so for Mr. and me.

For those who are not so fortunate, I send comfort and love and and a wish for relief from suffering.

For all of us...the sun is shining today. Don't miss it.


  1. Feel better and Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Plenty of rest! Happy thanksgiving and eat all the pie!!

    1. Sounds like good advice! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

  3. Thanks, Shirley! Hope you have a great Turkey Day, too!
