Saturday, December 7, 2024

Imagine That

As I was skimming through my Facebook page this week, reviewing posts from friends and people trying to sell me stuff, I began to wonder what my Mom would have thought of social media.

Taking it a step further, if this technology had been available in her day, what sort of things would she have posted? Not that she had the time for such nonsense, given that she had six offspring and a household to manage. 

But just supposing she was able to, what would her posts have been about?

I was intrigued, so I decided to come up with some for her:

Made dinner as usual tonight. We had pork chops, mashed potatoes and green beans. Had to watch to make sure no one took more than one pork chop or one scoop of potatoes. Don't have to worry about them overdoing it on the green beans, LOL. 

Took Barbie to the grocery store with me today. She was a good helper. Pretty soon she'll be starting kindergarten. I wonder how she'll take it when the new baby comes along. I'm sure she'll love him (or her). 

OMG, Gary and his band decided to practice at our house. In the smallest bedroom. Poor Tony was gritting his teeth the whole time. They finally called it quits. I think this is going to be a one-off.

Went to Lima this past weekend, and SOMEONE left the top off the cage and one of the gerbils got out. We couldn't find him (her?) for a day or so. Then Barbie sat down on the bed and felt something moving around. The little bugger got in between the sheet and the mattress and chewed a hole in the mattress. I warned the kids not to tell their Dad. He never reads my FB page, so I think I'm safe.

Had a nice visit with Mother. Tony helped her put up the storm windows and do some work around the place. I know she drives him crazy sometimes, but thankfully, he's a good sport about it. We played the usual card games, and she had her country music shows playing in the background. Her Saturday night routine. Not a big fan of Pop Goes the Country. 

We decided to put up paneling between the kitchen and living room. Told the kids to clear out for the day. Barbie came home a little too soon and went right back out again. We all know how home improvement projects go in this house. 

Took the older kids to mass this morning. Barbie and Paul stayed home with Tony. (He gets up and goes to early mass by himself.) They love it when he plays Mitch Miller for them.

Put up the Christmas decorations today while the kids were at school. I filled the glass bowl with ribbon candy (the kind the kids won't eat unless they're desperate, yes, that's on purpose). It looks so festive in the house. Tony went and got a tree, and the kids will decorate it this weekend after he gets it in the holder and puts the lights on it. I love this time of year!

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